Unique private kindergarten

Идея №:948 Публикувана:10.10.2012
Прегледи: 10864

We are currently offering a business plan for investing in an unique private kindergarten situated in Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria. The Business is well positioned and has opportunity for entering a very good niche market. Projections of estimated future cash flows show over 50,000 euros net profits per year after the fifth year and repayment of the investment in less than 5 years. We need an investment of 50 000 euros to implement the stat-up plan. The investment can be made as a loan, guarantee for a loan or equity. If you are interested please contact me to send you our business plan and details. Regards Mihail Georgiev, Business Consultant at Businessplan.bg Ltd Sofia, Bulgaria [email protected]
Published on: 10.10.2012 Views: 5432
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