Bulgarian business development and expected not worried by uncertainty

Bulgarian business development and expected not worried by uncertainty

Every third business leader in the country believes that the economic environment in the world will improve in the next 12 months. A huge percentage (90%) of the businessmen in the country are convinced that over the next three years their businesses will develop.

In fact, the optimistic sentiment among business leaders observed worldwide. Contrary to expectations, surprising events and changes in 2016. Did not affect too much the business climate. There is growth and expectations of medium-term prospects - 51% this year, compared to 49% last year. As for short-term expectations for growth - 38% are confident in business growth in coming months, compared to 35% last year.

Despite optimistic expectations, business leaders see the potential threats. Global political uncertainty and economic growth worldwide is one of the factors most distracting business, both at home and around the world. If we focus on the issues that worried Bulgarian business, it can not but mention the possibility of raising taxes. This year 66% of respondents believe that it is a threat, while last year this opinion was only 36%. 66% believe that the lack of manpower and training is a major problem facing the development.

The study makes it clear that Bulgarian entrepreneurs see Germany as a major opportunity for growth. 42% of respondents indicated that they focused their interest in the partnership with the country. It turns out that Romania also holds a significant share in this factor - 12% and the expense of Greece remains behind in the ranking. Bulgarian leaders indicate that feels positive influence of foreign companies in the country.

The impact of technology in business and the threats that could bring them Bulgarians express much less worries. 45% of respondents see an opportunity for cyber threats, while globally the percentage is 66.

The study was conducted by PWC and second row among Bulgarian leaders as part of a global study on the topic.

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