Growth in imports of the country for the past 20 years

Growth in imports of the country for the past 20 years

Bulgaria imports more than it exports. During 1995-2015g. Imports jumped over 500% and are especially desirable consumer and investment goods.

In recent years, imports of raw materials is growing and last year was nearly 40%. Crude oil and natural gas are traditionally imported raw materials. They are followed by imports of machines, this is mainly due to increased income from agricultural activities. There has been a sharp drop in energy goods. Overall, imports of goods increased substantially in the years affected by the economic crisis.

Our biggest importer with 50% for the EU. In twenty years period, as growth in imports of goods from the Balkans and Asia, imports of Asians is nearly 15% of all imports in the country. Imports from Asia is mainly consumer goods from China.

If we disregard the EU, our largest importer Russia, mostly because of imports of natural gas and crude oil, second and third place are Germany and Italy. Curiously, the fourth import is China, which is increasingly becoming a vital partner for our country.

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