An operating company for cleaning and flooring is for sale

ОФЕРТА №:38596 Публикувана:21.01.2025
Прегледи: 1104

Price Negotiable

The company started its activity as a cleaning service provider, and since 2004, it has been offering the supply and installation of industrial, self-leveling, and vinyl flooring for homes and offices.

It operates in Sofia, and for flooring services, throughout the entire country. We have 5 active contracts for office cleaning services, with an option for renewal. The total area under maintenance is approximately 5,000 sq.m.

We have a professional valuation by a licensed auditor, which will be provided upon signing a Confidentiality Agreement and a Letter of Intent.

Crystal Services Ltd. has no outstanding loans and is known as a reliable business partner. Our long-term relationships with clients, some of which date back to 2005, are a testament to the company's steady growth.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 12 Year of Establishment: 02.12.2022 Annual profit: 123,000 BGN Included equipment: Професионални машини за почистване и аксесоари, произведени в Италия и Германия. Закупени в периода 2010-2023година. Business properties included: не Included goods: Препарати за изпълняване на текущите задължения.
Website: Company name: КРИСТЪЛ СЕРВИСИЗ ООД

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