A well-developed Professional Cleaning company operating in the city of Plovdiv/Asenovgrad is for sale!

ОФЕРТА №:38472 Публикувана:29.12.2024
Updated on: 29.01.2025
Прегледи: 1996

Price Negotiable

A well-developed Professional Cleaning company operating in the city of Plovdiv/Assenovgrad is for sale!

The company has a maximum rating on the Domestina platform, a maximum rating on Google Business, a Facebook page with a lot of photos and videos, as well as an excellent SEO optimized website, which also has a large number of customer reviews.

The company's accounting is entirely managed by a professional accountant, and the company has no public obligations!

Since the company has authority and only positive reviews, it makes a large turnover mostly from organic customers and recommendations (so far it has not been necessary to run paid ads).

When purchasing the company, you will receive our entire base of previous/new potential customers.

THE COMPANY HAS A BIG ADVANTAGE OVER ITS COMPETITORS thanks to its professional UNGER HydroPower facade and window cleaning system.

Sold together with all the equipment, which includes:

-Professional ionic system for cleaning windows, showcases and facades - UNGER (the largest, with 3 filters and a trolley) - with the entire set of additionally purchased carbon telescopes UNGER CARBON 24K  (maximum cleaning height 15 meters) + original UNGER carrying case.

-Professional laundry extractor KARCHER PROFESSIONAL.

-Professional single-disk machine KARCHER PROFESSIONAL + accessories: tank and many pads of the 3M brand and a brush and two different holders.

-Vacuum cleaner KARCHER WD5

-UNGER telescopes, as well as a whole set of various squeegees, brushes and glass cleaning tools (UNGER, MOERMAN)

-Professional buckets, mops, holders of the FILMOP brand, ladders, etc.

-The company has a cash register and a business SIM card and activated Viber.

- and more.

The company is operational after the purchase and you can immediately start generating turnover. We are constantly looking for new clients.

Please call/write if you are seriously interested.

Additional Information

Year of Establishment: 01.08.2023 Annual profit: 45,000 BGN Included equipment: -Професионална йоник система за почистване на стъкла, витрини и фасади - UNGER (най-голямата, с 3 филтъра и количка) - с целия комплект допълнително купувани карбонови телескопи UNGER CARBON 24K (максимална височина на почистване 15 метра) + оригинален калъф за пренасяне UNGER. -Професионален екстрактор за пране KARCHER PROFESSIONAL. -Професионална еднодискова машина KARCHER PROFESSIONAL + резервоар и много падове на марката 3М и четка и два различни държача. -Прахосмукачка KARCHER WD5 -UNGER телескопи, както и цял комплект от различни скуиджита, пера и инструменти за почистване на стъкла (UNGER, MOERMAN) -Професионални кофи, мопове, държачи на марката FILMOP, стълби и т.н. -Фирмата разполага с касов апарат и служебна сим карта и активиран Вайбър. - и още др.

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