A developed business with sports-elegant clothing is for sale

ОФЕРТА №:38404 Публикувана:12.12.2024
Updated on: 16.01.2025
Прегледи: 1830

Price 45,000 EUR

A developed business with high-quality clothing from Bulgarian manufacturers is for sale.
The shop has many loyal and new customers built through excellent service. It has been operating since 2005 and is well-known in the city. As seen in the photos, it is stocked monthly and features a wide selection of carefully chosen merchandise.

The listed price reflects only the wholesale value of the stock, with all other assets, such as equipment, included as a bonus for the buyer.

This is an ideal opportunity for a woman passionate about fashion.

I commit to introducing the buyer to all the manufacturers I work with and providing support as needed. The business can also be taken over with the company, which is fully compliant, with no debts or violations.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 2 Year of Establishment: 11.11.2005 Annual profit: 70,000 EUR Included equipment: Щендери,манекени,стелажи, шкафове, рафтове,закачалки, климатик, бойлер, касов апарат,постерминал, телевизор, компютър,камери и д-р. Business properties included: Магазин с площ 80кв.м.напълно обурудван с наем 600 лв до университет и няколко училища Included goods: Нови и подбрани качествени артикули основно от няколко български производители от Асеновград, Хасково и Димитровград.Магазина има редовни клиенти от цялата област.
Company name: Живко и Вики Тодорови ЕООД

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