The provided text is in Bulgarian and translates to: "Selling maps for TANI Fashion and ADORA Fashion House and online store."

ОФЕРТА №:35866 Публикувана:08.12.2023
Прегледи: 2940

Price 29,800 BGN

The 1993 Mapkа with a history presents for sale:

TANI Fashion and ADORA Fashion House

- Online store: [ADORAFashion House](

1.1. Official online store orders - 3555 (many orders are processed directly by phone and on-site in Shopyma, and this number significantly understates the retail sales volume); 1684 officially registered customers; 1.2. Database of all products with photos and descriptions, including the "Warehouse" category with subcategories of product types and all currently out-of-stock items; 1.3. Quality platform SELOTON with online service based on an annual subscription; 1.4. Availability in Shopyma and correspondingly in the online store at the moment around 10-13,000 BGN per unit.


-FB page ADORA Fashion House, Fashion House ADORA 2.1. Page with 21,565 likes and 21,642 followers. 2.2. Business manager for the page to create FB ads and the story of the created ads until this moment.

-FB group – Be ADORAble! Fashion is transient, style is eternal!

-Stock program: 4.1. Database for all types of products, composition, prices – wholesale and retail; 4.2. Database of purchased materials; 4.3. Quality program with online service on a monthly fee basis.

- Patterns: 5.1. Database of used patterns; 5.2. History of created models with corresponding numbers in the pattern database and folders with the history of model creation; 5.3. Linking the model number with the Stock Program – the respective nomenclature number.

- Disks and flash drives with all photo sessions and events.

- Information about basic suppliers.

- Information about basic wholesale clients with informed consent.

- Information about basic retail clients with informed consent.

- Information about annual turnovers.

- Price is excluding VAT!

Additional Information

Year of Establishment: 23.03.1993 Included goods: Haличнocттa в Шoypyмa и cъoтвeтнo в oнлaйн мaгaзинa към тoзи мoмeнт oкoлo 10-13000 лв пo цeни нa eдpo.
Website: Company name: TANI OOD

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