Business for custom t-shirt and vinyl stickers for sale

ОФЕРТА №:35390 Публикувана:29.09.2023
Прегледи: 2904

Price 4,499 BGN

Business for custom t-shirt and vinyl stickers for sale

The business was established a few years ago and I maintained it for some time, but as it was set up for the purpose of additional income, it subsequently began to take up a lot of my time and I put it on hold, and now I don't think I will have time to continue to maintain it any time soon, so i decided to sell it.

In the 3-4 years I've been doing it on Etsy, I've generated a total of about $19,000 in turnover, with my peak in spending the most of my free time being 2018 with over $8,000 in turnover for the year and that's just extra income for a few hours after work (2-3 days a week).

The business includes:

Vinyl Cutting Machine:


Heat press:

Automatic Heat Press Machine Auto Open Slide-out Draw Semi Unique Design CH1702


Since my main professional competences include web and graphic design, website development and maintenance, SEO and marketing, I have tried to make the site and the products on it as for myself and to include in it the maximum convenience for customers and for me as a person , who manages it.

The site has uploaded products with ready-made designs (All designs / over 150 pcs are authored, made or moderated by me and can be sold easily in case you buy the business. Their printable vector files and necessary fonts are included).

An online designer that allows visitors to design/print their own product and submit it as a request.

The necessary SEO integrations and plugins.
Facebook Ad Catalog and Integrations.
In addition, there is an Instagram profile and Facebook.

For business, I offer additional information and "Know how" for starting or developing your business online through marketing campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and Google + organization, management and development of a similar business on Etsy.

Information and contacts for my t-shirt and foil suppliers + logistics.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 2 Year of Establishment: 14.01.2016 Included equipment: VINYL CUTTER PLOTTER 28/53 in LIYU SC631/SC1261(A/AM) OPTICAL EYE Automatic Heat Press Machine Auto Open Slide-out Draw Semi Unique Design CH1702 Included goods: Фолиа + тениски
Website: Company name: 4FancyFans

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