Fully furnished and equipped restaurant in a top location

ОФЕРТА №:34624 Публикувана:11.05.2023
Прегледи: 7850

Price 49,999 BGN

A developed business with more than 20 years of history is for sale - a fully furnished and equipped restaurant, together with available inventory. It has regular customers and an excellent reputation. The restaurant has 55 seats inside and 15 seats in the garden. The rent is long-term and is 1100 BGN. It is located in a prime location in the city of Plovdiv - at the foot of Bunardzhik (the Alyosha monument). It is being sold due to relocation abroad.

Additional Information

Included equipment: Камина, 2 климатика Дайкин, вентилационна система,2конвектомата,газови котлони -4бр, туч на газ, фритюрници 3бр, скара на газ с вулканични камъни, хладилни плотове тип пицарски-1 троен и 1 двоен, хладилници 5бр, фризери- 2 бр, професионална вакуум машина, топло бен мари и други

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