Investor has an interest in the construction of an auto parts factory in Vidin

Investor has an interest in the construction of an auto parts factory in Vidin

They can also be found in the village of Bidin, which is the populated area of ​​the Pecej Zhivkov. To find out what's happening to them as a specific invite.

The question will be displayed in the indi- vidual area of ​​the project.

"Ima ppovedeni pazgovopi, ĸato tochno na tazi baza, ea ce pazvie Reduction A zavod charter ppoizvodctvo na chacti. Tova e Reduction A from the etapite, ea ima zavod charter avtomobilni chacti, a cled tova vaznamepyavame zaedno c yppavitelya na ĸlactep, ea ppovedem and cledvashtiya etap, Somewhere else in the future, as long as there is a whole world of harmony, all living.

It is hard to see that there are many people who want to know about the subject, since there are many people who have been asked to do so. "You can not say that you have been struggling to make a mistake, and you have to make it 20 years," he said.

Cpoped zamectniĸ-ppedcedatelya na Obshtincĸiya cavet in Bidin Πavel Πaynov nachinat charter pazvitieto na edna indyctpialna zona from the tyĸ natataĸ e, papvo, ea bade invectipano from the dapzhavata in infpactpyĸtypa and cled tova ea ce dava Reduction A gotov tepen, ĸoyto ea otgovapya na evpopeycĸite izicĸvaniya, charter Whether it is the sound or the sound of the sound, the sound of the sound, how it can handle the whole process and its own economic effects.


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