SMEs can obtain financing for participation in exhibitions

SMEs can obtain financing for participation in exhibitions

Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises will partially fund several small and medium Bulgarian enterprises for three exhibitions in Inter Expo Center.

Exhibitions for which companies can apply for funding MachTech & InnoTech Expo - exhibition of machine tools and instrumentation equipment (exhibition runs from 4 to 7 April) Technomebel and World of Furniture, which will be displayed furniture, machinery and materials (will be held from 24 to 28 April) and exhibition Bulmedica / - human and dental medicine, which will be held from 17 to 19 May

Cleaners funding received under OP "Innovation and Competitiveness" project "Creating conditions for ustoyvichvo development and integration of Bulgarian enterprises in the European and international markets through support for participation in international conferences and international commercial markets."

The agency first finance such exhibitions with European funds. "Over the past two years the Agency has supported Bulgarian companies with money from the national budget. We expect strong interest from companies as far. "Says Ivaylo Ivanov, who is the manager of Inter Expo Center.

The grant is small and medium enterprises, first in Bulgarian exhibitions where chuzhdestrannitefirmi come to acquire enough experience and confidence to enter such international competitions and exhibitions.

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