Energy expert Irina Belcheva - about the lack of engineers in Bulgaria, the profession and the family in a candid interview!

Energy expert Irina Belcheva - about the lack of engineers in Bulgaria, the profession and the family in a candid interview!

Mrs. Belcheva, you are an electric engineer and a longtime expert at the Ministry of Energy. At the same time you are Miss Bulgaria 2017. How do you combine your responsible profession with the prestigious title you wear?

- Yes, I really have a very responsible profession and no few responsibilities as the winner of the prestigious title Mrs. Bulgaria. I think the two activities are by no means excluded, but on the contrary I find a way to complement them and to be useful in both spheres. I think I am doing well, managing to balance and prioritize my engagements when necessary. If a person clearly defines his purpose and is determined, he will always find an internal willing mechanism and desire to realize his ideas.

Tell me how to handle this heavy energy industry, a beautiful and gentle lady like you and is it true that there is a shortage of engineers in the sector?

- Having the potential and good education, no doubt you can develop and succeed in every field. The vision has no bearing! But yes, a problem not only in energy is the lack of good and "quality" engineers. Young and intelligent people prefer to get their education abroad and unfortunately stay and work there. This is the reality at the moment, but I think that a good cadre and state policy in this direction will be able to control the outflow of Bulgarian specialists to other countries.

How do you balance work and family? You are the mother of two wonderful children!

- Thank you for the question! Yes, I have two wonderful children! They are the greatest happiness and the time spent with them is the most precious! I admit that it is not easy my everyday life, but my family gives me the necessary positive charge and motivation, and so I can cope with everyday challenges.

In the Ministry of Energy, do colleagues support you?

- Yes of course! We support each other! We are a wonderful team and we are doing well with the great volume and flow of work that goes on daily.

Does the state policy in the energy sector move in the right direction?

- Yes! Completely!

What are your future plans!

- I am a civil servant who not only adores his job but is almost entirely devoted to it! Energy and work in the interest of society and the state is my vocation! My plans are all about this.

You are also engaged in charity such as Miss Bulgaria! Will you continue with the good causes?

- Of course! I have always had an inner need to help people in need and I will continue to do so! Last year I successfully realized, with the support of Mrs. Bulgaria Holding and many benefactors, my personal charity initiative and campaign "Help the graduates in need", which will continue next year.


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