Oil becomes cheaper and the goods - not

Oil becomes cheaper and the goods - not

Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) answers the question that all Bulgarians are asking in recent days, such as oil cheaper and goods in supermarkets - not?

According to BIA consumer prices in the country decreased yoy 1.1% for 2015. The main conclusion which makes BIA exit of statistics is that the increase in prices of vignettes by 40%, and appreciation of current business by 12.8% (from 141.42 lev / MWh (up to July 31, 2015 ) up to 162.12 lev / MWh (in the second half of 2015)) according to the BIA. Apart labor costs jumped by 7.6% - in the private sector, while public increase was 5.4%. All this compensates for the decline of gasoline A95 with 12.2% and the price of diesel by 9% according to BIA.

BIA states that besides all this, and fuel prices in Bulgaria are among the most expensive in Europe. Gasoline in Europe is more expensive only in Spain, Denmark and Malta, and diesel in Irladiya, Denmark, Czech Republic and Malta. Bulgaria is the lowest margin (0.18%) between the lowest and highest price of fuel (petrol, diesel and LPG) in over 100 countries, which means that the country does not move the market price of fuel, and other factors. European countries with the largest margin Greece (3.46%), while the margin around and above 2.5% are France, Belgium, Portugal, Estonia, Finland and Switzerland. These data from BIA want to show that here is possible far more cheaper fuel.

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