KPD.BG 2013 - What have we achieved during the year

KPD.BG 2013 - What have we achieved during the year

Dear users , in the last days of 2013 we want to thank you for the successful year we experience thanks to you.

We wish you a merry and enjoy the Christmas and New Year in the company of the closest people.

2013 was a year of great changes and achievements for the entire group of IPS 7.

What did you do in 2013 in

1. Launch of January 2, 2013 at 6:53:47 pm exactly

2 . Published 2526 business listings

3 . Visiting the site 242,331 times

4 . Reviewed the 2,041,823 pages

5 . Scaled up to 112,906 users

6 . Visiting our website on a mobile device 21,281 times, which is an increase of over 700% compared to 2012

Happy Holidays from the team of!

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