Rich people live longer than the poor

Rich people live longer than the poor

A new study conducted in the US shows that rich people live longer than the poor.

For example poor residents of Brooklyn live about 11 years less than the rich on Wall Street. The poorest neighborhood in Brooklyn's Brownsville. 76% of residents there are African Americans and average life expectancy is 74 years, while Manhattan residents of wealthy neighborhoods around Wall Street live an average of 85 years.

"Poor people more often get sick and die from cancer and heart disease, in most cases this happens at a young age. In Brownsville and crime is bigger and it becomes the cause of death of many young people. "Explains Mary Bassett from the health department.

In Brownsville 25% of people do not finish school, and about 40% live below the official poverty line. People there is most often ill AIDS and become carriers of the virus HIV - 66 100 000, while in other areas the coefficient New York is 30 to 100 000.

In this neighborhood there is the highest level for people with mental illness, about 2 times higher than in other areas of the city.

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